Posts tagged ‘presenation’

January action plan

So we’ve all come back after christmas laden down with research aplenty, and on top of this, Sharon has done and dusted three killer interviews for us with top social media gurus.

After our meeting today, we have a plan and we’re really going to get the ball rolling from here on in.

  • We have all done some academic research and looked at studies on the impact of social media upon journalism. In order to fully communicate this in the group, everyone is now going to post a review of their findings. After the post, remember to Tweet it as well and link out to the research if possible, to keep the multi in our media.
  • See if we can change the colours of our blog so our style is more similar to that of the major social media sites. Bright, friendly, and playful. We feel that a grey background is a bit too sombre for our subject.
  • We’ve set a date for our gather-a-thon. On Sunday 31 January, we are going to film our news challenge. This will involve us sitting for two hour shifts across a ten hour period by a computer, seeing if we can find “newsworthy” stories through social media alone. Then we will how quickly (and indeed – if at all) these stories appear on the corporate news websites and radio broadcasts.
  • Jason is going to interview BBC Cornwall’s Tim Hubbard, and Lydia is going to join Sharon in the cat-and-mouse campaign to pin down Ruth Barnett for an interview.

So, let’s get into gear and get those research findings rolling around the blogosphere. Then, once we’ve pooled our data, we can pepper it with our interviews and comment to really hit the ground running with the presentation.

By the way, feel free to edit the appalling cliches out of my posts. I have a feeling they may be everything that innovative social technologies stand against.

January 21, 2010 at 11:23 pm 1 comment